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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club


HillsRUs rolls weekly on Wednesdays

Route often includes Hwy 9, Page Mill, Old La Honda, Kings Mountain, West Alpine or Tunitas Creek. Always be prepared for variable weather on Skyline. Foul weather in the hills keeps the ride in the valley.

Start location and route announced Monday prior, via wwbc-rides email list and this page (scroll down to the blog).

Meet at 8:45 AM and roll at 9:00 AM departure. DE riders will depart first, C+ will follow.

Ride Leaders rotate weekly - Don Johann, Shawnery Hardin, Jack Jones and Steve Rempel, with guest appearances by Michael Khaw, Gary Virshup, Cathy Switzer, and others.

A selection of routes can be found in the WW Ride with GPS Route Catalog > use tag "HRU".

Last update: 20-Jul-2023 CBS

  • Wed, June 07, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Now that OLH is closed the traffic on Page Mill has increased leaving us fewer options. Lets avoid the traffic and head down to Santa Cruz again where we will have good climbing weather on one of our favorite climbs Zayante

    Starting Location: Parking Lot .3 mi past the dam at Lexington Reservoir. There is now a $6 fee to park there (Credit/Debit Card). There is also a free dirt area across the street from the parking lot that can handle about 8 cars.

    Directions: take the Bear Creek Rd exit off of Hwy 17, go across Hwy 17 and turn left like you were getting on 17. Take Alma Bridge Rd and go .6 mi to the parking lot just past the dam

    Start Time: be there by 8:45 for a 9 am departure.

    Distance: 56 miles

    Elevation: 5500 feet

    Lunch: Bring or Buy to eat at the Covered Bridge County Park in Felton (at the intersection of Mt Hermon Rd and Graham Hill Rd)


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/36675620/cue_sheet


    Ride Leader: Don Johann

  • Sun, May 28, 2023 4:57 PM | Anonymous member

    I think of this ride as an HRU classic, but one I see we have not done it in quite a while.  This is always the preferred direction, much as I love climbing Redwood Estates.  And this route I found has the Montewood variation on the way back, which I've only done once.  There is some dirt from Lexington to Los Gatos, along the creek trail.

    Meet Steve Rempel at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM departure from Shoup Park.

    58.5 miles, 5200' of climbing.

    Lunch will be done at the little park at the top of Redwood Estates - on Bayview, so bring plenty of supplies.  Rumor is the water at the fire station on Skyline, near H9, is not potable, so make sure and water up near the top of Page Mill.  Next water stop after that is Castlerock, followed by Los Gatos.  There is no water at lunch.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan

  • Wed, May 24, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    We're off to some Santa Cruz roads, reopened after the winter, now with extra texture*.  Weather forecast - it will feel like winter, too.**

    Meet Jack Jones at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM departure from Lexington Dam parking lot.  Parking is $6.

    62 miles, 4,940' of climbing.

    Lunch is at Corralitos Market - bring or buy.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan

    *More pot holes

    ** See updated forecast using the correct departure time!

  • Wed, May 17, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Most of our favorite HRU routes aren't safe for groups due to heavy traffic on Kings and OLH caused by HWY 84 closure. This route attempts to get around some of this by climbing Page Mill and descending 9.

    Starting Location and Time:  Meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 Departure

    Distance 55 miles

    Climb: 6300 feet 

    Lunch: bring lunch to eat at Alpine Pond (Junction of W Alpine and Skyline)


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/42905622/cue_sheet


    Ride Leader:  Don Johann

  • Wed, May 10, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's the home stretch for the LDT series. Prepare for the final big climbs by climbing Mt. Umunhum this week, then rest up and be ready for Diablo, Tam and the LDT Grand Finale up Hamilton!

    Starting location and time: Meet at Monta Vista Park, Cupertino; 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM departure.

    Good cool day for climbing Kennedy, Hicks and then Mt Umunhum. Bring an extra layer or a change of clothes for the descent. And yes, forecast is a headwind as we head back to the start.

    Elevation Gain - 5,700'
    Distance - 62 miles
    Ride Leader - Cathy Switzer

    Route >
    Cue Sheet > 
    Weather >

    Lunch - Bring food for the summit of Um, and your camera for pictures!

  • Wed, May 03, 2023 9:00 AM | Michael Khaw (Administrator)

    Possible rain early afternoon, so let's do a route with lots of bailouts: SP42 HRU4.0 Five Loops #2.

    Meet Michael Khaw (see club directory for contact info), subbing for Cathy Switzer (subbing for Steve Rempel?) at Shoup Park at 8:45 am for 9 am rollout. Ride leader may lead from the back.

    Bring or buy lunch at Robert's Market on Alpine near Portola Road (or Portola Cafe Deli). Rain cancels.

    RideWithGPS route>

    Cue sheet>

    Randoplan forecast>

  • Wed, April 26, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Meet at Cataldi Park in San Jose at 8:45 for a 9:00 start.  It will be a warm day, bring two large water bottles.

    59 miles, 7,112' elevation gain

    Bring food to enjoy at the top of Mt. Hamilton.
    Ride leader is only riding to the bridge on Kincaid.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan>

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Wed, April 19, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Let's go do a variation on an HRU Classic  - the clockwise Lexington loop... but with a twist.   We'll trim off 2 miles by going up Redwood Estates in lieu of Mountain Charlie.  Spring is the best time to do this climb.  There are some steep bits, but also quite a bit of shade.  If you want to avoid the steep bits on Redwood, continue up Old Santa Cruz and take Mountain Charlie to Summit, which will take you to the park.

    There are a lot of zigs and zags on the Redwood Estates climb, so I highly recommend downloading the route to your GPS device.  There is 1.6 miles of packed dirt and gravel on the Los Gatos Creek trail, but it's slow and uphill, so it's pretty safe.

    This is a social-paced D ride with regroups; faster riders are encouraged to form a D+/E group. Rain cancels.

    There are a couple of ways to trim mileage/climbing off this ride.  If you live in the Cupertino area, you can meet us at the old Cupertino Bike Shop to start (end of McClellan at Foothill) - dropping down Highway 9 on the way back.  Another trim is to skip the jog up to Montalvo on the way out to Lexington (water and bathrooms).  

    Start: Shoup Park, rolling at 9 AM

    Lunch: At mile 26.5, We'll buy food and drink at the Redwood Estates store to eat up top at the park near Summit.   I recollect that there is a $10 minimum for a credit card, so bring cash if you plan to buy just a few things.  Across the street is Nonno's, which makes sandwiches to order, and salads to go. 

    From the store there is no water until the Castle Rock parking area.  

    Ride Leader: Steve Rempel

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

  • Wed, April 12, 2023 11:48 AM | Anonymous member

    Our favorite roads to Skyline are still crowded with cars so let's stay 'safe' in the valley again with another "Blast from the Past" ride that we haven't done for ages.

    Start Time and Location:  9:00 AM at Shoup Park

    Distance: 54 miles

    Elevation: 4700 feet

    Lunch: at the Safeway on Polhemus near mile 28


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/13505716/cue_sheet


    Ride Leader: Don Johann

    CoLeader: Steve Rempel

  • Wed, April 05, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    With the string of rainouts, you've all likely forgotten how to even spell HRU, but this week the forecast is for a very temperate day, with a high of 61, so let's go do one of my favorite rides - the Los Gatos zig-zag, Shennedy, and a little Hicks (the fun part).  It's an extended version of my first HRU ride, but this time with a little Gary V. inspired twist on the way home (Montewood instead of Sobey - a new road for me).  The goal of this route was to barely touch highway 9 (just a tad on the way back).

    If you've thought about HRU, but aren't sure if HRU is your tribe (strong C+), consider trying this ride.   I chose something similar to this as my first HRU ride because I knew there were lots of options to shorten the ride along the way.  As well, feel free to join us as we pass by Monta Vista Park on Foothill, which trims a good ten miles off the ride.  

    There are a lot of zigs and zags - particularly on the way out, so I highly recommend downloading the route to your GPS device.

    This is a social-paced D ride with regroups; faster riders are encouraged to form a D+/E group. Rain cancels.

    Start: Shoup Park, rolling at 9 AM

    Lunch: At mile 40, bring food to enjoy at the Town Plaza Park in Los Gatos, or go do a little hunting and gathering along Main Street.  

    Ride Leader: Steve Rempel

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

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