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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club


HillsRUs rolls weekly on Wednesdays

Route often includes Hwy 9, Page Mill, Old La Honda, Kings Mountain, West Alpine or Tunitas Creek. Always be prepared for variable weather on Skyline. Foul weather in the hills keeps the ride in the valley.

Start location and route announced Monday prior, via wwbc-rides email list and this page (scroll down to the blog).

Meet at 8:45 AM and roll at 9:00 AM departure. DE riders will depart first, C+ will follow.

Ride Leaders rotate weekly - Don Johann, Shawnery Hardin, Jack Jones and Steve Rempel, with guest appearances by Michael Khaw, Gary Virshup, Cathy Switzer, and others.

A selection of routes can be found in the WW Ride with GPS Route Catalog > use tag "HRU".

Last update: 20-Jul-2023 CBS

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  • Wed, March 26, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    This ride is somewhat the reverse of the first ride I did with the Western Wheelers, but with a Steve Rempel flair to it. What I like about this direction is it gets the Foothill slog out of the way early and the final descent- okay, the only descent for this ride- is pretty close to the end.

    It goes around Lexington, up Old Santa Cruz Highway, and then takes a shortcut through Redwood Estates to skip the climb up Mountain Charlie and the steeper parts of Summit. After lunch at Redwood Estates, it continues on Summit Rd and Bear Creek Rd to return via Skyline and Page Mill.

    Note: This ride will go up the dirt Los Gatos Creek Trail to Lexington

    Elevation Gain - 5,200'

    Distance - 57 miles

    Start time and location: meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure. Faster riders will blast out first followed by the Social Climbers. Moderate rain cancels.

    Lunch: Will be relatively early at Upper Redwood Estates Park on Summit. Food available at the Redwood Store as we pass it a mile and 500 feet down from the park.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36052004

    Weather: https://bit.ly/4l5pmuf

    Ride Leader: Mark Huie
  • Wed, March 19, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    We will be riding the Classic Coastal Classic on Wednesday.  The weather isn't fantastic but compared to the weather lately it's great. We should be able to complete it without worrying about rain.

    Start time and location: meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure. Faster riders will blast out first followed by the Social Clinbers

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/50004397

    Cue Sheet: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/50004397/cue_sheet

    Weather: https://bit.ly/3FAWOsc

    59 miles with 5600 feet of elevation gain

    Lunch: Bring lunch to eat at the Bike Hut 

    Ride Leader:  Don Johann

  • Tue, March 11, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Rather than have HillsRUs cancelled two weeks in a row due to rain I am moving this week's HRU to Tuesday. The route is a tour of our local hills showcasing how green they are right now. The ride goes up Page turns north on Skyline, down WOLH and 84, back up WAlpine and then turns south on Skyline before descending Hwy 9.

    Start time and location: meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49919226

    Cue Sheet: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49919226/cue_sheet

    Weather: https://bit.ly/43DVBKq

    53 miles with 5800 feet of elevation gain

    Lunch: Bring lunch to eat at Alpine Pond (at the intersection of Page and Skyline)

    Ride Leader:  Don Johann

  • Wed, March 05, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    It's likely that HRU will be cancelled this week due to rain or wet roads, but just in case we get lucky (as has happened quite often this year), I'm posting a local hills ride.  On an iffy day like this, I like to do rides that circle the drain, so we can make an early exit if need be.

    If the roads are wet and/or the radar looks bad, I'll send out an email in the morning, but if the roads are dry and the radar looks OK, I'll show up at Shoup and give it a go.

    Assemble at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure, with D/E riders launching a bit before the Social Climbers. 

    42 miles, with 4200' of climbing.  

    Lunch - We'll do an impromptu lunch somewhere along the route - TBD, so bring what you need.


    Weather from Randoplan 

    Ride leader - Steve Rempel

  • Wed, February 26, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The weather looks pretty warm this Wednesday, some might consider it a bit hot near the end of the ride. We will depart from Monta Vista Park in Cupertino and take a relatively direct route up Redwood Gulch and all the way along Highway 9 to climb Zayante and return via Skyline, Hwy 9, and Mt Eden.

    Unfortunately, there are few bailouts. At Skyline you can either turn around, go north and return via Page Mill, or go south and take Black, Gist, Bear Creek, or Summit and return via Los Gatos.

    Keeping to the route achieves 63 miles of riding and 6800' of climbing.

    Start Location and Time: meet at Monta Vista Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure. Social climbers can wait a few seconds and watch everyone else struggle on the first hill just half a mile in.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49799550

    Cue Sheet: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49799550/cue_sheet

    Weather from RandoPlan: https://bit.ly/3QvFEhV

    Lunch: At Ben Lomond Park. Ben Lomond Market just up the block has prepared food, or bring your own.

    Ride leader: Mark Huie

  • Wed, February 19, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The HillsRUs ride for this Wed is Eureka Canyon from Lexington.

    The weather forecast for Wed is changing every time I look at it but one constant is that the further south you go the less the chance of rain. Keep your eye out for email regarding this ride.  If the weather forecast looks bad on Tues evening then the ride will be moved to Thursday

    As usual there will be two groups with the fastest riders leaving first followed by the Social Climbers(C+D)

    Starting Location: Parking Lot .3 mi past the dam at Lexington Reservoir. There is a $6 fee to park there (Credit/Debit Card). There is also a free dirt area across the street from the parking lot that can handle about 8 cars.

    Directions: take the Bear Creek Rd exit off of Hwy 17, go across Hwy 17 and turn left like you were getting on 17. Take Alma Bridge Rd and go .6 mi to the parking lot just past the dam

    Start Time: be there by 8:45 for a 9 am departure.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35706625

    Cue Sheet: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35706625/cue_sheet

    Weather: https://bit.ly/4jVB2zb

    62 miles with 5000 feet of elevation gain

    Lunch: Bring or buy to eat in Corralitos

    Ride Leader:  Don Johann

  • Sun, February 09, 2025 12:15 PM | Anonymous member

    Huckleberry's Slide Ride with Two New Bumps

    C+/D/E 6(6982)/55.6, Tuesday Feb 11th for a 9am start.

    C+/D and those riders in between are all invited to enjoy the fun and good times. Go with the fast anti-social group:) or enjoy a laid back pace and the gorgeous views with the social group.

    Assemble at Pioneer parking lot, in Woodside. Meet at 8:45am for a 9am start, be there or be square.

    Lunch will be in Half Moon Bay at The Concrete park. Bring lunch or buy at one of many places in Half Moon Bay. Please check maps for regroups.

    64.7 miles, 5156’ of climbing.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49666923

    Weather by Randoplan: https://bit.ly/3WP2ULq

    Leader: Shawnery Hardin 

  • Wed, February 05, 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The weather gods are smiling, with clear, but slightly chilly skies now predicted for Wednesday, so let's take advantage and do a Jack Jones classic - Umunhum.  It's been over a year and a half since I last saw the summit.  Roads are likely to be slightly damp to start, but should be high and dry by the time we climb.

    Assemble at the Monta Vista park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure, with D/E riders launching a bit before the Social Climbers. 

    56 miles, with 5742' of climbing.  

    Lunch is at the summit, so bring what you need.  


    Weather from Randoplan (bring your cold weather battle gear for the descent)

    Ride leader - Steve Rempel

  • Wed, January 29, 2025 8:45 AM | Anonymous member

    With "Classic" in the name, it has to be and oldie but goody, and "Coastal BTDT" doesn't quite have that ring to it.

    This particular classic climbs Page Mill, descends West Alpine and takes 84 to Stage and Hwy 1, then climbs Tunitas, comes back down Kings, and winds back through Portola Valley.

    57.5 miles with 5,941 feet of elevation gain.

    Start Location and Time: meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure. Everyone can depart together and naturally sort out into different pace groups on the road. Rain cancels.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30117145

    Cue Sheet: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30117145/cue_sheet

    Weather from RandoPlan: https://bit.ly/4jruxnv

    Lunch: At Bike Hut. Bring your own food or explore Bike Hut's limited snack options. If the weather stays cold, expect people to want to get moving quickly.

    Ride leader: Mark Huie

  • Mon, January 20, 2025 7:56 AM | Anonymous member

    Zyante by way of Jamison Creek via Big Basin

    C+/D/E 6(6982)/55.6, Wednesday Jan 22 for a 9am start.

    C+/D/E and those riders in between are all invited to enjoy the fun and good times. Go with the fast anti-social group:) or enjoy a laid back pace and the gorgeous views with the social group.

    Assemble at Castle Rock parking lot, there's a fee, on Skyline south of 9. You can also park for free a few hundred feet further south on the right side of Skyline in front of the tailhead. Meet at 8:45am for a 9am start, be there or be square. If I'm not there by 8:45 not to worry, I will be there by 9. 

    The fast group will have a short lunch and shorter breaks to keep things moving. People are more than welcome to break up into similarly paced groups as well.

    Lunch will be at mile 34 at Ben Lomand county park. Bring lunch or buy at the Ben Lomand market near the park. Please check maps for regroups.

    55.6 miles, 6982’ of climbing.

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49507540

    Weather by Randoplan: https://bit.ly/42lEgFz

    Leader: Shawnery Hardin 

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