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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Sequoia 2025 FAQ Page

Before The Sequoia

Q) Which non-profit organizations does The Sequoia support?

A) Puente, La Honda Fire Brigade and Abundant Grace Coastside Worker are the 3 primary non-profits organization that receive funds raised by The Sequoia. Additional funding is provided to cycling related non-profits including Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, Good Karma Bikes, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange and others. Details are available on the Sequoia Charities page.

Q) How do I register and pay for the Sequoia?

A) You can register for your chosen route online. While registering, you may select to pay via credit card, PayPal or send a check. There will be NO Day-Of Registration at the Start, on Sunday. Registrations may be available the day before, Saturday, if the desired route has not reached its rider limit.

To pay with a check, make it payable to Western Wheelers and mail to:

Western Wheelers

36 Minoca Road

Portola Valley, CA 94028-7739

Q) When and where is the event Check-in?

A) Early Rider check-in and packet pickup is on Saturday May 31st at: The Bicycle Outfitter, 963 Fremont Ave., Los Altos, CA, from Noon to 7PM.

Sunday morning June 1st day-of-ride check-in is at the Foothill College Start location: 12345 S. El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, open by 5:30AM.  Check-in will be in the far corner of Lot 1, right next to the Football Stadium restrooms, see map.

You’ll receive a color-coded wrist band to designate your route choice.

Q) How do I purchase The Sequoia 2025 jersey?

A) The jersey can be purchased directly from Voler and will ship directly to you.  More information here.

Q) I have a conflict and won’t be able to ride the event, can I get a refund or credit for next year?

A) You may transfer your registration to a biking buddy, as we do not provide refunds or credits for future years. Contact registration@westernwheelers.org to initiate a transfer. See Cancellation & Refund Policy for more information.

Q) Can I check in for a friend/family member at early check in on Saturday, May 31st?

A) Yes, please bring a copy of your friend/family member’s registration confirmation with you to early check-in.

Q) Are eBikes permitted on the Sequoia?

A) Class 1 and 3 eBikes that require pedal assist are welcome.  Class 2 eBikes (with throttles and not requiring pedal assist) are not permitted due to insurance restrictions. eBike riders must follow rules established for eBikes within the California Vehicle Code.  Note — there are no special accommodations, such as charging stations, for eBikes. Riders should be familiar with the range of their eBikes to know they can complete the course without charging.

Q) I’m already registered, can I upgrade/downgrade to a longer/shorter course?

A) Yes, you may do this at check in. If downgrading, we do not provide refunds for the difference. If upgrading, please bring a check for the difference to check in (we are not set up to take payments by credit card or to take cash).

Q) Are there Group or Team discounts available?

A) We do not have a Group discount program at this time.  However, if you have a team/group (of 10 or more) contact registration@westernwheelers.org to discuss possible options.

The Day of The Sequoia at Foothill College

Q) What are the start times, when is the latest time to start on the routes?

A) The 100 mile PINK route starts from 6 to 7AM, the 75 mile ORANGE route from 6:30 to 7:30AM, the 62 mile YELLOW route starts from 7 to 8AM, and the 38 mile GREEN route from 7:30 to 8:30AM.  ALL riders need to be on the route by 8:30am or you could find some rest stops closed.  Remember, more hills = slower average times. On the other hand, fast riders doing the 38 mile course should avoid finishing too long before the 11:30 lunch start at Foothill. The end-line festivities won't be ready until after 10:30 and lunch won't be served until 11:30.

Q) Where is the Start/Finish area on the Foothill College campus?

A) The FREE Parking is in Lots #1, #8, and #2 (#2 is the overflow lot). Lot #1 is next to the stadium at the Foothill College Main Entrance and Lot #8 is to your left as you enter the Main Entrance. The Sunday check-in zone opens @ 5:30am, in the far corner of Lot 1, right next to the Football Stadium restrooms. Our Parking guides will direct you into Lot #1, Lot #8, or lot #2 and then to the Check-in zone. Parking in other lots is not free.  Start your ride via Perimeter Road, which is One Way, counterclockwise!  See this Foothill College Map for a visual view of where the sites are located. There could be lines at the Sunday AM check-in, so we do recommend the early Check-in on Saturday at Bicycle Outfitter!

Q) Will there be food, water and restrooms at the Foothill College start location?

A) Yes! There will be breakfast snacks, coffee, etc. as well as water to fill your bottles. There are full restrooms nearby at the stadium entrance.

Q) Is there a “Drop Off” area if I don’t drive a car to the Start/Parking?

A) Yes! There will be “DROP OFF” signs, directing you to Lot #8, just west of the round fountain. Cars can easily exit back out to El Monte from there.


The Day of The Sequoia, On Route

Q) What kinds of food will be available at the rest stops? 

A) Depending on the rest stop location, the choices will include locally sourced fresh fruit and veggies, energy snacks, cookies and breads, refreshing drinks and lots of carbs and proteins! We’ll have some delectable surprises here and there and if it’s warm, there will be lots of cold drinks on ice!

Q) Can I have private SAG follow me on the route?

A) The Sequoia will have ample on route support, with SAGs and rest stops, on all four routes. There are three to five rest stops depending on the route. See The Sequoia Routes for more details. SAG vehicles will be posted at the rest stops and will be roaming all routes. The roads used are all open to the public, we strongly discourage private SAG use to reduce traffic on The Sequoia routes.

Q) Will there be bike mechanics available on the route?

A) Yes! We will have a mechanic at the Start, La Honda, Bike Hut, and Portola Valley rest stops. Some of the SAG vehicles will have limited tools and tire pumps. There are fixed Bike Tool Stations with pumps at the Arcangeli Store in Pescadero, at The Bike Hut as well as at Triangle Park in Portola Valley.

Q) Is the course on paved roadways or does it include any trails or gravel segments?

A) All of The Sequoia routes are on paved roads, but some segments are on smaller mountain backroads to minimize car traffic and give you a chance to enjoy the redwood forests in our area. As always be careful of any debris or potholes that may be present.

Q) Where can I find food, water and restrooms on the route?

A) We have provided several rest areas that will be staffed on the day. These are listed on the route sheets. In addition, the route passes several county and state parks as well as communities with stores and restaurants. A non-comprehensive list of these is also shown on the route sheets. Please familiarize yourself with the official rest areas ahead of time so you can plan how much water, in particular, to carry. The SAG vehicles will also have supplies.

Q) What do I need to know about getting assistance on the ride?

A) An emergency plan will be provided in the registration packet. There will be a central number to call for non-emergency rider assistance. Certain sections of the routes, particularly on the coast side, have limited cellular coverage. We use a network of SAG vehicles and radio operators to relay messages. SAG vehicles also have some bike tools, spare parts, and first aid kits. They can also SAG you to a rest stop with a mechanic, if needed. Please familiarize yourself with any emergency features on your devices ahead of the ride in case urgent assistance is needed.

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