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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Fall Fun Series 2024 will start on 9/17/2024.

The final schedule will be published no later than 9/1/2024.

Please direct any questions to Bill Sherwin



Fall Fun Series 2023

The 2023 Fall Fun Series (FFS) begins on Saturday, September 16, 2023 and is scheduled to run through Saturday, November 4, 2023.   See “RIDE SCHEDULE” section, below.  Please note that this schedule was prepared using knowledge available at the time about road closures, etc., and it is highly subject to change!

The FFS is designed primarily for C/D riders.  B riders are welcome to join the FFS on a week by week, ad hoc basis, but a separate route is not provided for the B group.  If you are interested in leading a B group on any given week, please contact Bill Sherwin by the Tuesday prior to the ride.

This year, as in past years, the series will consist mostly of rides within an hour’s drive of Palo Alto/Redwood City.  The FFS follows the same ride grouping format as the Long Distance Training (LDT) rides.  The C ride is divided into “C-“ and “C+” groups. The C- group is a social paced ride with frequent mandatory regroups (riders in this group should be able to maintain a modest C pace). The C+ group has fewer/shorter regroups and also moves at a slightly faster pace.  Whichever option you choose, the FFS is a great way to explore the local area, sometimes following LDT routes and sometimes introducing other adventures.

Notes for 2023:

GENERAL NEWS: Updated FFS news/weather will be posted on the “wwbc-RIDES” club email list. You can subscribe to the email list or visit the list site to get updated. Full information on email subscription options can be found at the club web site under the EMAIL LISTS menu item.

ROUTE SHEETS/MAPS/GPS INFO: This is a dedicated page on the web site (in the RIDE INFORMATION section) where you will find the route sheets for all - or almost all - of the rides in the Fall Fun Series. This page also has links to Maps/GPS routes where you can examine the map or download directions to your GPS device. (Routes are sometimes altered before the ride, so please wait until the week of the ride to print your route sheets.)

RIDE SCHEDULE: Below, subject to change, is the schedule for FFS 2023.

 9/16/2023  Local Hills
 9/23/2023  Seascape
 9/30/2023 No FFS Ride Scheduled Napa LDT 
 10/7/2023 Mt. Diablo/Morgan Territory
10/14/2023  Marin Headlands 
 10/21/2023 Mines Road 
 10/28/2023 Carquinez Straits 
 11/4/2023 Henry Coe/Morgan Hill 

MEALS:  Due to the changes we have been thru in the last few years, it may be that some favorite restaurants from the past may have closed, or that service may still be slower than would otherwise be the case.  If you prefer to linger at lunch the group may not wait for you. Riders are encouraged to be prepared by bringing sufficient food/water to avoid unnecessary delays.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the FFS in 2023!

Bill Sherwin

2023 Fall Fun Series Coordinator

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