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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club
Map of Drinking Fountains and Bathrooms

This MAP shows places with water and bathrooms.  (Clicking on the + on the lower right of the map expands the view.) As of April, 2021 most of the usual bathrooms and fountains are again open after the pandemic closures so this map is not being updated as regularly. If you find this out of date, please send an email to  Mona Schorow, Mike Khaw, or David Schorow . We will send you the url to update the map. (The instructions on how to make the edits are below.)

Here is the key:

Water and Bathroom

 Water, no bathroom

  Bathroom, no water

 No water, no bathroom

Improve the Map

You must be logged into just one Google account.  (Logout of Google, then logon with one Google account.  Otherwise, you'll get an "error 400" or "not authorized" error message).

You can enter the name of the park or location in the Google map box. Typing in Sawyer Camp Trail brings up choices.

Clicking on a name chooses it.  Fill in the location name and details about the water.  eg "Water fountain is closed but the bathroom is open and there's potable water in the bathroom sink."  Or maybe there's no water, but a Porta Potty is available.

When you're finished entering information, click [Save].

You can change the Mark to be a big red X to indicate a popular spot that has neither water nor bathroom. (If it's not a well used stop though, there's no need to add it.  Many places are closed now.) On the bottom of the text window you just completed there is a row of icons.  Click on the first one -- a "tipping bucket." 

Choose RED.

Then click on the bottom button, [More icons].  Choose the X at the end of the first row. Click on [Ok].  Just continue scrolling down the icon choices to find the bathroom icon.

You've done it!  You've helped other riders on the road!!!  Ride on.  Ride on.

We look forward to when the State, County and City parks no longer need to close their water drinking fountains or bathrooms. Good riding! 

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