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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Lifetime Membership Awards

The board gives Honorary Lifetime Memberships to anyone who reaches 300 rides led.  The board may also decide to give this award to members whose service to the club is deserving.  

Award Year  First Name   Last Name

 Rides Led

(at Award Year)

Rides Co-Led
(at Award Year)

Total Led or Co-Led

to Date 


 Gary  Goldman 304  307 
 2024  Michael  Khaw 312  130  442 
 2024  Kai  Wiedman 324  40  364 
 2024  Pamela  Putman 325  328 
 2023  Randall  Braun N/A  N/A  N/A 
 2020  Thomas  Schnurbusch  338  1446 
 2019  Dave  Fitch  306  76  520 



 Shafer  309   18  389 
 2018  David  Ziegler N/A  N/A  N/A 
 2017  Cheryl  Prothero  318   176   583 
 2017  Guy  Shuman  337   92  780 
 2017  Ken  Lum  308   8   385 
 2013  Rao  Loka  306   11   327 
 2013  Tom  Prager  374   14   602 
 2013  Vern  Tucker  351   15   1046 
 2008  Andy  Kirk  836   6   951 
 2008  Don  Burnett  386   12   398 
 2008  Peter  Blasberg  973   50   1023 

Data from 1995 thru November, 2024



Four new additions this year.

  1. Gary Goldman—304—Has been leading the Thursday Evening Tour for many years.
  2. Michael Khaw—312—Long time leader of the Hills R Us Wednesday ride and more recently as leader of his "Ride to Eat" series. Also former board member and webmaster (and all round computer guru) for the club. 
  3. Kai Wiedman—324—Has led many LDT rides over the years as well as weekday B rides with partner Laura Schroeder. Recently has led numerous "Summer Saturday" rides and a series of weekday rides exploring Marin County roads.
  4. Pamela Putman---325---Long time leader of the Monday Morning Coffee "A" Ride. 

One new addition this year. 

  1. Randall Braun—Sequoia Chair—Awarded for his 8 years leading the massive Sequoia effort, a full time job for half the year. Four of those years were especially challenging with the COVID pandemic and rain-induced road closures.

One new addition this year. 

  1. Thomas Schnurbusch—338 —Regularly leads the Java Jive on Monday and the Seal Point / Redwood Shores ride Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday every week


One new addition this year. 

  1. David Fitch—306—Regularly leads the challenging Hills R Us rides on Wednesdays and leads the Monday Morning Java Jive Double Expresso

Two new additions this year. 

  1. Howard Shafer—309—Along with wife Jacquette Ward, leads many A and B rides popular for being well organized and never leaving anyone behind
  2. David Ziegler—Flat Tyre Editor—Awarded for his 22 years (wow!) of service as the Flat Tyre editor
 Thank you, David, for organizing and delivering our valuable club communication newsletter for so long.


This year three additional members have newly passed the 300 mark of rides led. 

  1. Ken Lum—308—Leads the regular Tuesday morning B rides from Sharon Park
  2. Guy Shuman—337—Organizes and leads the LDT rides, the away LDT weekends, and regularly leads other Thursday and Saturday rides
  3. Cheryl Prothero—318—Along with husband Steve, leads a challenging C+ / D ride almost every Saturday

This year three members have newly passed the 300 mark of rides led. These numbers do not count the co-led rides.

  1. Tom Prager—374—The Java Jive from San Mateo for years
  2. Vern Tucker—351—Various A and B rides/Taken over leadership of the Blasberg Tuesday Loop Ride
  3. Rao Loka—306—The Impromptu King

3 people were given the award:

  1. Pete Blasberg—was at 886, now at 973 rides led
  2. Don Burnett—was almost at 400. He is remembered everytime we go over/by the Mary Avenue Bridge over I-280 between Sunnyvale and Cupertino
  3. Andy Kirk—was at 450, now at 836 rides led

Earlier in the year, the Western Wheelers Board decided to honor a few people who have led incredible numbers of rides. The decision was to give free lifetime membership for everyone who had led more than 300 rides. Three club members have this distinction: Pete Blasberg, Don Burnett, and Andy Kirk. This year alone, they are three of the first four names on the list of most rides led, with 59, 41, and 45, respectively.

Don Burnett has a total to date of 403 rides led and has been the long-time leader of the Monday Morning Mocha Mooch—which started as the Java Jive. The Java Jive eventually broke off into faster (Double Expresso) and slower groups when the number of riders got too big. Aside from leading rides, Don, the former mayor of Cupertino, won the Lefkowitz award in 2000 and helped start the Cupertino BPAC in 1992. He was on the VTA Policy Advisory Committee and has long been active in the SVBC. He’s also been ‘A’ ride coordinator since 1997.

Andy Kirk has led 487 rides and has been leading the Thursday Evening Tour, as well as many other rides, including the Friday B Ride and numerous rides on weekends. He has been known to lead two on the same day. He puts a lot of time and effort into finding new and different routes. He shares his enthusiasm through his periodic reports on the e-mail list and the photos he takes on rides.

Pete Blasberg has led approximately 886 rides (over 50% more than anyone else has ever led), and we decided to honor this achievement with a plaque as well. Vern Tucker is a good friend of Pete’s and has a few things to say about him…

Pete Blasberg joined Western Wheelers about twenty-six years ago upon his retirement from AT&T. After finishing one of his first rides out to Vasona Park, a 20+ mile ride, he was totally bushed. Today, Pete leads rides to Vasona. He began the Tuesday Morning Loop Rides through Woodside and Portola Valley many years ago and continues to lead these rides today, rain or shine, and it is common for upward of 30 riders to take part. Pete is also the Thursday morning ‘C’ ride coordinator, and usually leads a ride every Thursday during January. Additionally, Pete leads at least one ‘A’ ride per month and an occasional Thursday ‘B’ ride.

Pete is also a very accomplished Jazz Harmonica Player—during his younger years, he played professionally. Currently Pete plays twice a month at the Britannia Arms Pub in Cupertino.

For all you do and your continuing contribution to Western Wheelers, Pete, Andy, and Don, a big THANK YOU!

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