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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Board Member Positions 

Listed below are the current Board positions along with a brief description of their duties.

President: Club spokesperson and leader. Chairs board meetings once a month and writes the “Turn at the Front” column in the Flat Tyre. Brings in new ideas for club activities and policies for discussion with the Board. Provides club leadership.

Secretary: Shall supervise the keeping of a full and complete record of the proceedings of the members and the Board of Directors and its committees, if any. The President, Secretary and Treasurer are the corporate officers of our non-profit corp.

Treasurer: Receives payments, pays bills and manages any investment accounts in consultation with other officers. Proposes annual budget for entire Board approval. Provides timely financial reporting and maintains financial records using Quicken Software. Prepares tax returns. Reports financial status at Board meetings.

Membership Chair: Processes incoming new and renewal applications and checks monthly. Submits names of new members for publication in the next Flat Tyre. Monthly time spent is approx. 4 or 5 hours, spread over the month. 

Events Chair: Arranges for club meetings and programs and for special events such as parties and picnics.

Ride Chair: Coordinates the input of rides into the online calendar each month.  Solicits rides from the club membership.  Creates list of repeating rides each month and sends in list for publication in the Flat Tyre.   

Flat Tyre Editor: Prepares the Flat Tyre each month after receiving inputs from the Ride Chair, club officers, and member contributors.

Webmaster: Coordinates and maintains the club website.

Sequoia Century Chair: Organizes the annual Sequoia Century ride.

Member at Large: (three positions): Brings in new ideas for club activities and policies for discussion with the Board as well as stepping in where needed to assist the club.

Big Wheels Descriptions

Advocacy Chair: Helps to keep club members informed of local bicycling issues.  

LAB Rep: Club representative for the League of American Bicyclists.  https://bikeleague.org/content/about-league

Long Distance Training (LDT) Coordinator:  Organizes a series of weekly rides that run from the beginning of January through the end of May.

Fall Fun Series (FFS) Coordinator:  Organizes a series of rides that take place in September, October and November.  

Thursday AM "B" Ride Coordinator: Recruits volunteers to lead B rides each Thursday morning.  

Statistician: Receives ride sign-up sheets from all Ride Leaders and transcribes statistics to a database for monthly publication in the website and yearly publication in the newsletter.

Club Historian: Collects, maintains, and archives documents and records of the club's evolution and activities.  Collects Jerseys, hats, socks, and other physical paraphernalia from The Sequoia, other club events, or from general clothing sales.

E-mail list manager: Manages the public email lists wwbc (wwbc@bikesiliconvalley.org) and wwbc-RIDES (wwbc-RIDES@bikesiliconvalley.org), adding and deleting members upon request, and keeping the content germane to the list.  See the menu item EMAIL LISTS for more info.

Facebook Editor: Manages the club's presence on social media including the Western Wheelers Facebook Page.

Travel Case Custodian: Stores, tracks and manages the lending of our bike travel cases to club members.  

Club Clothing Sales: Acquires and sells club clothing, primarily Sequoia and club jerseys.  See CLOTHING.

The monthly board meetings welcome all members and are usually attended by the voting members of the board: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Chair, Membership Chair, Ride Chair, Webmaster, Members-at-Large, Sequoia Century Chair, and Flat Tyre Editor.  See the monthly Flat Tyre or the online Events calendar for the dates of the meetings.  

Last updated March 13, 2020

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