The 100 mile Century Course The 75 mile Challenge Course The 62 mile Metric Century Course The 38 mile Fun Ride Course
Registration can be paid online by PayPal, Visa, or MasterCard or offline by mailing a check for the full amount. If paying by check, make it payable to Western Wheelers and send to: Western Wheelers 36 Minoca Road Portola Valley, CA 94028-7739 A portion of your base registration fee goes to the charities supported by the Sequoia. An optional donation of $25 can be added to your base fee to support these Coastside charities: (Puente, La Honda Volunteer Fire Brigade, Abundant Grace Coastside Worker). 100% of your $25 donation will go directly to the Coastside charities.
Registration can be paid online by PayPal, Visa, or MasterCard or offline by mailing a check for the full amount. If paying by check, make it payable to Western Wheelers and send to:
Western Wheelers 36 Minoca Road Portola Valley, CA 94028-7739
Portola Valley, CA 94028-7739
Note: Donations to Western Wheelers are not tax deductible. For information about helping the Western Wheelers support charities, contact
Registration to The Sequoia includes a trial membership in the Western Wheelers Bicycle Club, you’ll enjoy membership until June 30, 2025 at which time you will need to renew your membership to continue. Walk In Registration (if spots are available)
Saturday May 31, noon to 7 pm The Bicycle Outfitter 963 Fremont Ave. Los Altos, CA 94024
Los Altos, CA 94024
There will be no Sunday/Day of Registration
Start Times
Check-In Required before the ride
You must check-in before the ride to get your wristband and route sheet. There are two check-in options:
Saturday May 31, noon to 7 pm The Bicycle Outfitter 963 Fremont Ave. Los Altos, CA 94024 Sunday Check-In
Saturday May 31, noon to 7 pm
The Bicycle Outfitter
963 Fremont Ave.
Opens 5:30 am, Closes at 8:30 am Foothill College, Lot 1 12345 El Monte Rd Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Opens 5:30 am, Closes at 8:30 am
Foothill College, Lot 1
12345 El Monte Rd
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Western Wheelers is committed to safe cycling on The Sequoia. By registering, all riders agree to the following rules: Wear a helmet at all times while riding Do not wear earbuds or earphones while riding Be responsible for the safety and condition of your bicycle and cycling equipment Obey all California vehicle code laws, including stopping at stop signs and signaling Be courteous to local drivers and be respectful of traffic Wear your identifying wrist band to enter the rest stops and post-ride party and to receive course support if needed All minors must be accompanied by an adult. Understand and acknowledge that ONLY CLASS I AND CLASS 3 pedal assist e-bikes are permitted. E-bike riders must follow the same rules as all other riders.
Western Wheelers is committed to safe cycling on The Sequoia. By registering, all riders agree to the following rules:
The Western Wheelers Bicycle Club Century Ride Directors reserve the right to refuse entry or disqualify or remove anyone from the course for reasons of their own safety, for the safety of others, for violation of the California Vehicle Code or for any other reason including the well-being of the rider, other riders, or the Western Wheelers Bicycle Club. The Ride Director decision is final.
Western Wheelers Member Release and Waiver of Liability
Contact Information / Registration Help
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Copyright © 2011–2024 Western Wheelers Bicycle Club, Inc.
All Rights Reserved