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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club


HillsRUs rolls weekly on Wednesdays

Route often includes Hwy 9, Page Mill, Old La Honda, Kings Mountain, West Alpine or Tunitas Creek. Always be prepared for variable weather on Skyline. Foul weather in the hills keeps the ride in the valley.

Start location and route announced Monday prior, via wwbc-rides email list and this page (scroll down to the blog).

Meet at 8:45 AM and roll at 9:00 AM departure. DE riders will depart first, C+ will follow.

Ride Leaders rotate weekly - Don Johann, Shawnery Hardin, Jack Jones and Steve Rempel, with guest appearances by Michael Khaw, Gary Virshup, Cathy Switzer, and others.

A selection of routes can be found in the WW Ride with GPS Route Catalog > use tag "HRU".

Last update: 20-Jul-2023 CBS

  • Mon, August 07, 2023 5:51 PM | Anonymous member

    More great times on our favorite roads, with a stop in Half Moon Bay for lunch.

    Meet at the vicinity of Pioneer Saloon in Woodside at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM departure.  We'll have two groups, with the DE rockets launching first, followed by the Social Climbers.

    Lunch:  Buy at San Benito House Garden Deli Cafe in HMB (no outside food), or bring/buy for Mac Dutra Park.  Order ahead at the Garden Deli, if possible.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan

    Ride leader - Jack Jones, subbing for PAC Tour Northern Transcon Cathy Switzer

  • Wed, August 02, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Now that 84 is open, OLH and Tunitas should be usable again for us and I am really pumped to try them for the first time this year. The weather will be a bit cool by the ocean so bring jackets to wear.

    56 miles, 5200 feet elevation gain

    Start Time and Location: both groups meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure. Fast riders will depart first.



    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/33031168/cue_sheet

    Lunch: Bring Lunch to eat at the Bike Hut

    Ride Leader is Don Johann

  • Wed, July 26, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    For HRU this week, let's go do one of my favorites, the Flintstone House and the Carolands Mansion.  There are a few crazy steep, but also quite short hills in this route, however, all the crazy stuff can be easily bypassed, should one be so inclined.

    This is a social-paced C+/D ride (we are after all the Wednesday Social Climbers) with regroups, although faster riders are encouraged to form a D+/E group.

    Note that we are moving back to a unified start.  Both the D/E HRU Speedsters and the C+/D Social Climbers will be leaving at 9AM, although the faster group is encouraged to ride off the front, should they be so inclined.   

    Start: Shoup Park.  Meet at 8:45, rolling at 9 AM

    60 miles and 5100' of elevation gain.

    Lunch: Around mile 35, we'll hit the Safeway at the Crystal Springs shopping center on Polhemus.   There is also a Starbucks and a Bakery.  The next water and bathrooms will be about 5 miles away at Crestview Park.

    Ride Leader: Steve Rempel



  • Wed, July 19, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Meet at Lexington dam parking lot with a 9:00 AM start for DE and 9:15 for the Social Climbers.  We'll climb Old Santa Cruz Hwy, down San Jose Soquel to Soquel, up Rodeo Gulch to Scotts Valley and up Mountain Charlie Road.

    53 miles, 4,900' elevation gain

    Bring lunch for Siltanen Community Park in Scotts Valley


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan>

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Wed, July 12, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A route from 2019!  Up Kings via the Greer Road entrance (thus hopefully missing any Girl Scout busses in Kings, altho we might meet them in the park). Skyline south, water at Skylonda, 84 west to Lunch at the Duck Pond (mile 30), up West Alpine & water at Alpine Pond, then south to Highway 9 into Saratoga, and wander a flatish route back to Shoup.

    Weather looks warm, bring two bottles, electrolytes and maybe sunscreen!

    Start Location and times: Shoup Park. DE Group meet at 8:45 for 9:00 Start, C+D Group meet at 9:00 for 9:15 start.

    Distance: 66 miles
    Elevation Gain: 6700 ft
    Route >
    Cue Sheet >

    Bring lunch to eat at the Duck Pond (mile 31)
    Weather > 
    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer

  • Wed, July 05, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Wednesday marks the start of 2 groups for HillsRUs: the DE HRU and the C+D HRU for those who prefer a slightly slower pace. Both do the same route.

    Wednesday's route takes us up PageMill, down W Alpine, up 84 to Skylonda. Then after lunch, just for fun, we'll go down 84 to the closure and then back up to Skyline and PageMill.

    Start Location and Time: Shoup Park. DE Group 8:45 for 9:00 Start,  C+D Group 9:00 for 9:15 start

    Distance: 47 miles

    Elevation: 6000 feet


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/43515001/cue_sheet


    Lunch: Skylonda at mile 26 (before heading down 84)

    Ride Leader: Don Johann

  • Wed, June 28, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    It's once again been 10 months since the last time we did this route, so let's do something just a little different - San Bruno Mountain via Skyline and Pacifica.  It's a ride and set of views I really like, even though this route is a bit more urban than a typical HRU ride.  The forecast looks pretty ideal - nice at the end, but cool on the climbs. 

    Note that this ride starts at the Pioneer Inn Parking in Woodside.  We'll ride along Skyline, before dropping down into Pacifica, then working our way back up to Skyline, and over to the base of San Bruno Mountain.  We'll climb the mountain for the (hopefully) killer views and then descend to Daly City for some great Tacos, before working our way through the City of the Dead, almost to SFO, and then back up to Skyline, for the final downwind leg of our journey.

    Starting time and location:  Meet at the Pioneer Inn at 8:45 for a 9:00 start

    Distance: 62 miles

    Elevation gain: 5300'

    Ride Leader:  Steve Rempel

    Bring or buy lunch at the Taqueria in Daly City.    



  • Wed, June 21, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The weather will remain cool, giving us an opportunity to ride Mt. Umunhum.  Be sure to bring two full water bottles.

    We'll meet at Monte Vista Park in Cupertino at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure.

    Lunch:  Bring food to enjoy at the top of Um.

    62 miles, 5,675' of climbing


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan>

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Fri, June 16, 2023 7:03 PM | Michael Khaw (Administrator)


    I’m likely the last remaining rider of Hills R Us who has some connection to its early days. As such, I thought it might perhaps prove useful to some future Hills R Us riders to have, for the record, what I know of its origin and leadership. Much of the early timeline information comes from back issues of the Flat Tyre, supplemented by the Hills R Us blog.

    I leave it to succeeding leaders to update this history as appropriate.

    —Michael Khaw, June 2023

    Hills R Us was started in mid-1998 by Steve Kramer and Jim Halicho. It was a C/3-4/35-60 ride, and met every Wednesday at Shoup Park at 10 am. Steve moved away years ago and Jim took up photography in favor of cycling.

    The 2nd generation of leaders—Roger Coombes and Jim Mills—led from August 2003 through August 2004. Roger moved away in 2020(?). Jim, sadly, died from a solo crash on a Hills R Us ride in August 2004. Roger kept leading through September 2004. Van Whitis and Roger Stenerson then took over for a transition month in October 2004. Then Van Whitis and Michael Khaw became the co-leaders in November 2004.

    During Roger and Jim's tenure, the ride was co-listed with ACTC, and riders had no idea where the ride was going until they showed up at Shoup Park. Having observed that sometimes the route would turn out to go too far for some riders to get home when they needed to—obliging them to either break off early or else not do the ride at all—Van and Michael decided to publish the route a few days in advance (via email at the time). In March 2006 they revised the ride rating to C-D/3-4/35-65 to reflect that the ride had during Roger and Jim’s time already gotten faster, and often in Daylight Saving Time would range farther than 60 miles. It remained C-D through December 2009 and then became DE as of January 2010.

    Van had to quit biking at the end of 2006. Michael became sole ride leader in 2007, with others filling in while he was away for work in the summer months: Roger Coombes, April–October 2007; Mike Harding and Steve Chapel May–October 2008 and again May–June 2009; Steve Chapel and Dave Fitch December 2011–January 2012.

    Michael stepped down after January 2012. Steve, Dave, Paul Melville and Mike Harding took over. Mike Harding stepped down after March 2013, then Dave Fitch stepped down after August 2013, and Doug Hahn took his place through May 2019.

    Meanwhile, in June 2012 Martha Landis, Gene Kiernan and Ed Wesley started the more relaxed-pace Social Climbers edition of Hills R Us, rated D instead of DE, and drew many women riders. Ed stepped down after May 2014. Martha and Gene continued through May 2017, after which Betty DeLuco and Dave Fitch stepped in. Betty stepped down at the end of 2018 and Don Johann joined Dave in January 2019. Cathy Switzer joined them in March 2019.

    In 2020, because of dwindling ridership in the original Hills R Us, the ride leaders decided to merge it with Social Climbers and retitle the ride Hills R Us… just in time for the COVID-19 lockdown. Hills R Us resumed normal operation in Febuary 2021, led by Don Johann, Cathy Switzer, Jack Jones, Steve Rempel… with Gary Virshup and Michael Khaw occasionally filling in as “guest leader”.

    Due to a resurgence of faster riders joining the ride, the ride leaders decided to again split into a DE Hills R Us and a C+,D Hills R Us Social Climbers effective July 2023.

    List of Hills R Us leaders

    5/1998–7/2003 Steve Kramer and Jim Halicho

    8/2003–8/2004 Roger Coombes and Jim Mills (+ACTC)

    9/2004 Roger Coombes (+ACTC)

    10/2004 Van Whitis and Roger Stenerson

    11/2004– 12/2006 Van Whitis and Michael Khaw

    1/2007–1/2012 Michael Khaw

    4/2007–10/2007 Roger Coombes

    5/2008–10/2008 Mike Harding, Steve Chapel

    5/2009– 6/2009 Mike Harding, Steve Chapel

    12/2011 Steve Chapel, Dave Fitch

    1/2012 Steve Chapel, Dave Fitch

    2/2012–3/2013 Steve Chapel, Dave Fitch, Paul Melville, Mike Harding (deceased 12/14/2013)

    4/2013–6/2013  Steve Chapel, Dave Fitch, Paul Melville

    7/2013 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville

    8/2013 Steve Chapel, Dave Fitch, Paul Melville

    9/2013–11/2013 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville

    12/2013 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville, Doug Hahn

    1/2014 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville

    2/2014–5/2019 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville, Doug Hahn

    6/2019–12/2019 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville

    2/2020 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville, Don Johann, Cathy Switzer (+Dave Fitch)

    3/2020 Paul Melville, Don Johann, Cathy Switzer, Jack Jones

    (COVID-19 SiP halt 4/2020–10/2020)

    11/2020 Paul Melville, Don Johann, Cathy Switzer, Jack Jones, Steve Rempel

    (COVID-19 halt 12/2020–1/2021)

    since 2/2021 Don Johann, Cathy Switzer, Jack Jones, Steve Rempel (+Gary Virshup, Michael Khaw)

    List of Social Climbers leaders

    6/2012–9/2013 Martha and Gene Kiernan, Ed Wesley

    10/2013 Martha and Gene Kiernan

    11/2012–3/2014 Martha and Gene Kiernan, Ed Wesley

    4/2014 Martha and Gene Kiernan

    5/2014 Martha and Gene Kiernan, Ed Wesley

    6/2014–5/2017 Martha and Gene Kiernan

    6/2017–12/2018 Betty DeLuco, Dave Fitch

    1/2019–2/2019 Dave Fitch, Don Johann

    3/2019–12/2019 Dave Fitch, Don Johann, Cathy Switzer

    1/2020 Steve Chapel, Paul Melville, Don Johann, Cathy Switzer (+Dave Fitch)

  • Wed, June 14, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Celebrate the Stars and Stripes and wear red, white and blue for Flag Day, June 14th, and head over to Big Basin Park. 

    Up Redwood Gulch, south on Skyline to Bear Creek. Enjoy this descent into lunch at Boulder Creek (bring or buy). A water refill at Jamison Creek Fire Station, and on to Big Basin, and the climb our via Highway 9. Back to the start with a descent on Page Mill.

    This route is beautiful, and please take note of ... Water. Available at Castle Rock State Park, Boulder Creek and at the Jamison Creek Fire Station (I called Monday, Captain says we are good to use their spigot and they have bottles available). The infrastructure at Big Basin is still relatively primitive. Porta-potties, but NO potable water. Saratoga Summit Fire Station on Skyline has that handy-dandy soda machine, but their water spigot is closed indefinitely ("red tape" per the Captain there!).

    This is the ride to bring at least TWO water bottles and to make sure both are full when leaving Jamison Creek Fire Station.

    Start at Shoup Park, Los Altos. Meet by 8:45 for a 9 am departure.

    Distance: 75 miles
    Elevation: 7,918 feet
    Lunch: Bring or buy to eat at the Junction Park in Boulder Creek
    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

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