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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

2024 Board of Directors

President: Jonathan Penn

I’ve been a Western Wheelers member for 4 years, as I began inching towards retirement and biking more regularly. When I started looking for a club, Western Wheelers quickly stood out. To me, is unlike any other club in the Bay Area: the camaraderie and openness to riders, the frequency of rides posted, special ride series like the LDTs, the Sequoia (which I refer to as “Gratuitously Challenging”, especially while riding it), and the many great events that we put on for our members, all make Western Wheelers stand out. My wife joined the club a few years after me, and now it gives us another thing to share. I feel I get so much out of the club, and being a board member is a big way for me to step up and give back to the group. I also advocate for safe cycling and safer streets, working with San Mateo BPAC and on various grass-roots efforts whenever I can.

Secretary: Gloria Kreitman

In 2021 I retired from Cisco Systems, Mergers & Acquisitions Group where I led strategic planning and execution of complex global programs. 

Free from that life of deadlines and back-to-back meetings, I bought a bike and joined Western Wheelers!  Since then, I’ve learned so much about safe cycling through the Skills Training Classes and participated in the exciting ride series offered throughout the year—from social A and B rides to challenging LDT, Eastern Sierra Escape and Fall Fun Series.  I enjoyed many fun picnics and parties and made wonderful new friends along the journey. 

I’m eager to serve as Secretary on the Western Wheelers Board.  It is a great opportunity to contribute to an organization that I am passionate about and has become a major part of my cycling experience. 

Treasurer: Mike Rissi

I have been the Club Treasurer for several years and built a strong financial foundation for the Club with a healthy reserve. I actively participate in Club activities, including finance team leader for the Sequoia. I’m a strong advocate for recreational cycling to promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I have served as Treasurer and President for several local nonprofits - including the Portola Valley Schools Foundation and Music for Minors. My business background includes 30 years with Accenture, where I retired as a Managing Partner.

Ride Chair: Guy Shuman

I have been an active member and leader in Western Wheelers since 2003 and am regularly one the top ride leaders in the club, having led over 400 rides in just the last ten years. I have served the club as C Ride Coordinator, D Ride Coordinator, Email Lists Administrator, Sequoia Transportation Captain, Board of Directors Member, and for the past twelve years as LDT Coordinator, a period in which the LDT series has expanded and annual participation has more than doubled. I believe our club's main focus should be on rides of all levels by and for our members. Board members should be active club participants in all aspects of the club's activities. It has been my privilege to serve on the Western Wheelers Board for the past four years and hope to continue in 2024. 

Events Chair:  Jean Symons

Back in 2005, I started riding as part of the training for a triathlon. But after several triathlons, I learned that I didn’t really enjoy the swimming or the running but I loved the bicycling. I rode with a few friends that I made from the triathlon training; but through the years, the group dwindled. In 2016, I joined a bicycling Meetup group and rode with them for a while. But they only rode on the weekends. In mid 2018, a friend told me about Western Wheelers. WW offers so many different rides and it’s every day of the week! Whoo Hoo!! I’ve enjoyed riding with WW and have volunteered my help in several activities. For the past two years, I've been on the Board as a Member-at-Large and then Event Chair. If you have me, I'm running for Event Chair again for 2024. 

Membership Chair: Vern Tucker

After spending 40 plus years in the title insurance industry, as an underwriter and claims handler I retired in 2004 and became active in the Western Wheelers Bicycle Club. I began by riding on every ride I could find and was physically able to do. A short time later I was asked to start leading a few rides and then I began leading some A, B and C rides. In 2006 I was approached to become the Membership Chair the position I still hold.

During my tenure as membership chair I have seen the club more double in size as we have gone from the membership paying their annual dues by check and moving forward to a computerized system where the majority of the members now join and or renew on line. We still receive several checks each month which must be processed by hand.

As membership chair I will continue to promote the club by reaching out to new cyclists, speaking to strangers while on rides, in bike shops and in general telling anyone who will listen what a great club we have. I have also held several board positions, including Commodore in the two different sailing clubs. I have also been a Explorer Advisor for a BSA Explorer Post, Merit Badge Counselor and was one of four male co-leaders for a Girl Scout cadet- senior troop specializing in backpacking for 20 plus years.

Sequoia Chair: 

A 5-person "Sequoia Steering Committee" has volunteered to jointly run the Sequoia for 2024. The committee is comprised of Russ Hull, Brian Kaplan, Gloria Kreitman, Vito Mazzarino, and Jenny Warila.

Chief Editor: Peggy George

It has been a great experience working for the club this year to get the monthly Flat Tyre newsletter published, and to serve on the Board. For the coming year, I look forward to publishing a fun newsletter filled with engaging articles, photography, travel "blogs", and relevant stories related to cycling submitted by members.  

Beginning as a child cycling enthusiast, I completed my first long distance ride, about two hundred miles in Upstate New York, coinciding with the Landing on the Moon. We rode into the campground with our bikes and gear and with all ears tuned into the broadcast of the event coming from every direction and every campsite. I was hooked on cycling ever since.

I have been a member since before 2000, and in my first years, worked as the Sequoia Workers Ride leader, making sure all riders were well fed at lunch and rest stops, supported by a team of enthusiastic helpers. I look forward to continuing the work of the Flat Tyre Editor in the upcoming year. Thanks for your support!

Webmaster: David Schorow

I’ve been bicycling for enjoyment and fitness since my college days in Boston.  I was introduced to California cycling when I came to Berkeley for graduate studies.  Cycling and other outdoor activities have been my passion for most of my adult life.  I even met my wife Mona on a group ride at The Bicycle Outfitter.  

In June, 2017 I retired from a long career in the computer industry, with the last 10 years as a manager and director of software development.  The Western Wheeler Bike Club provided me the means to do a variety of beautiful rides with fun people, many of whom have become good friends.  I was the club President for five years, from 2018 thru 2023. I want to continue to contribute to the club by being the Webmaster.

Members at Large

Fran Williams

I’ve been cycling for about 15 years now. It has become my passion, as well as my social outlet. What better way to enjoy our beautiful area, than to combine exercising and socializing with fellow cyclists? I enjoy riding with my WWBC family, as well as welcoming new members and getting to know them.

I have served on the Board now, for 3 years, as your Events Chair.  One of the most rewarding aspects of being the Events Chair, was watching our members get together, eat, socialize and have fun at our club events.  And, knowing that I had a lot to do with that outcome made me very happy.  It was a very rewarding job.

This past year I have been an assistant to our new Events Chairperson. As such, I would like to remain on the Board, and continue to serve as a member at large, so I can continue to serve the club.

Member at Large: Brian Kaplan

I picked up biking and joined the Western Wheelers in 2015. It's been an amazing experience! My favorite part of the club is the social aspect.  I love going on club overnights and having lunch with fellow members.   I am honored to contribute time in service of the club given it's had such a positive impact on my life for the past 8+ years.

Jenny Warila

I was an avid cyclist and Western Wheelers member throughout the 90’s, but life got in the way for the next 20 years. While I still (sometimes) paid my annual membership dues, I didn’t do much riding. Finally, in November of 2021 as the pandemic started to ease and group rides returned, I decided it was past time to get back in the saddle and enjoy the roads, camaraderie, and health benefits of cycling with my long-time club. So I dusted off my trusty Specialized Epic and checked out the Western Wheelers ride schedule.

One of the early events I attended was the pre-holiday ride and party held at the Village Hub. The ride was great and the party was wonderful! Then came the LDTs and I was hooked all over again. A new (e)bike, a lot of miles, camping trips and away weekends, and it feels like I never left.

When I’m not cycling, I run my own training and consulting business, sing in a 40’s Girl Group, volunteer at Kara as a grief counselor, and serve on the board of Ventana School. I’m excited to offer my energy and enthusiasm to the club as a prospective board member-at-large. I would be honored to give back to the club and help ensure it’s around for future generations of cyclists.

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