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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club


HillsRUs rolls weekly on Wednesdays

Route often includes Hwy 9, Page Mill, Old La Honda, Kings Mountain, West Alpine or Tunitas Creek. Always be prepared for variable weather on Skyline. Foul weather in the hills keeps the ride in the valley.

Start location and route announced Monday prior, via wwbc-rides email list and this page (scroll down to the blog).

Meet at 8:45 AM and roll at 9:00 AM departure. DE riders will depart first, C+ will follow.

Ride Leaders rotate weekly - Don Johann, Shawnery Hardin, Jack Jones and Steve Rempel, with guest appearances by Michael Khaw, Gary Virshup, Cathy Switzer, and others.

A selection of routes can be found in the WW Ride with GPS Route Catalog > use tag "HRU".

Last update: 20-Jul-2023 CBS

  • Wed, January 18, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Looking for a break in the Atmospheric River/Bomb Cyclone/General Deluge? It may arrive Tuesday and stay through Wednesday.  Given the road damage reports, we will stay out of the way as best we can, and keep to this side of the hill.

    It'll be a chilly morning, perfect for Page Mill. South on Skyline to Castle Rock Park for lunch. Descend Highway 9, and back to Shoup Park via Rancho San Antonio. Climbing is front-loaded, with some entertaining short pops in the second half.

    Meet at Shoup Park, Los Altos at 8:45 A.M., roll out at 9:00 A.M.

    Distance: 48 miles

    Elevation Gain: 5,799' (ok, just round it up to 5,800')

    Lunch: bring to enjoy at Castle Rock Park

    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

    Load the route to your navigation device or print the cue sheet. Ride aware, and point /call out debris or hazards. Page Mill and Highway 9 both may have short sections of one-way traffic control.


  • Mon, January 09, 2023 4:03 PM | Anonymous member

    Update: With a now 90% chance of rain, tomorrow's HRU is cancelled, but all is not lost.  The ride will instead take place on Thursday at 9AM, when the forecast is for cloudy weather, but no rain.  I can tell you from recent experience that there will be some wet roads along the way, and likely a few muddy spots where the hillsides have washed down.  The muddy spots are very short, so I encourage everyone to walk across and remount rather than riding through.  If you do that, you'll be amazed how easy it will be to simply brush off the other debris, once you get back to the start.

    Starting location and time: Meet at Shoup Park in Los Altos; 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM departure.

    Rain is predicted for Wednesday, but the small window that was there over the weekend appears to be closing.  All the weather services I looked at are showing 80% chance of rain, so if we do get to ride, we'll stay somewhat close to the start, and on this side of the hill, in case it gets wet en route.  I found this particular route in the HRU archives.  It seems to have come from a file called "Mike K's Swansong", but with a few extra wiggles added, just for fun.  

    Elevation Gain - 4450'

    Distance - 43 miles

    Ride Leader - Steve Rempel


    Cue Sheet


    Lunch - There is no officially planned lunch stop, so bring enough food to get by for the day.  

  • Wed, January 04, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Rain will be arriving in the morning.  A Flash Flood watch and High Wind Warning will be in effect.  Foothill Nature Preserve, part of the route, will be closed Wednesday and Thursday.

    The first HRU of the year is a short one with many bail-out options.  Weather, as of this post, is for rain.  Rain or wet roads cancels.

    Meet at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure from Shoup Park, Los Altos.

    Distance: 30.8 miles
    Elevation: 3,243'
    Lunch:  No lunch planned, bring snacks.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan>

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Mon, December 26, 2022 5:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last HRU of 2022, it's a fav - Page Mill! Page to Cheryl’s summit , REGROUP at Page & 35 AFTER summiting. REGROUP on the 2nd pass through Sky Londa. Weather forecast seems to be a moving target, bring warm clothes, and a rain jacket "just in case".

    Lunch is late-in-the-ride, bring snacks to hold you over … to Rossotti’s at mile 37

    Start: Shoup Park, meet at 8:45 AM, roll at 9:00 AM
    Distance: 43 miles
    Climb: 4,512’

    Route > 
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

    Lunch: at Rossotti’s at mile 37, no outside food allowed. Note: Rossotti’s is closed 12/24 - 12/27, reopening on 12/28.

    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer 

  • Mon, December 19, 2022 8:07 PM | Anonymous member

    It looks like the weather is warming slightly so let's go visit our old friend Tunitas who we haven't seen for a while.

    Starting Location and Time:  Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure

    Lunch at the Bike Hut

    Distance: 56 miles

    Climb: 5200 feet


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/33031168/cue_sheet

    Weather:  https://bit.ly/3W9WqEf

    Ride Leader:  Don Johann

  • Wed, December 14, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Starting location and time: Meet at Shoup Park in Los Altos; 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM departure.

    Rain cancels, so keep an eye on the ride eList for updates.  Rain was originally predicted for Wednesday, which was why this route was chosen.  That has changed, but it may yet change again.

    Elevation Gain - 4900' (of course it will actually be more)

    Distance - 43 miles

    Ride Leader - Don Johan for Steve Rempel


    Cue Sheet


    Lunch - There is no officially planned lunch stop, so bring enough food to get by for the day.  

  • Wed, December 07, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mt Umunhum D/3.6/62

    Starting location and time: Meet at Monta Vista Park, Cupertino; 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM departure.

    Good cool day for climbing Kennedy, Hicks and then Mt Umunhum. Bring an extra layer for the descent. 

    Elevation Gain - 5,700'

    Distance - 62 miles

    Ride Leader - Cathy Switzer for Jack Jones


    Cue Sheet


    Lunch - Bring food for the summit of Um

    This is a social-paced D ride with regroups; faster riders are welcome to form a D+/E group. Rain cancels.

  • Wed, November 30, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Meet at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM departure from Shoup Park.

    We'll visit the 'Flintstones House' and Carolands Mansion, riding some steep sectors of Hillsborough/San Mateo/Emerald Hills while avoiding frosty bits of road.  This is a D-paced ride, slower and faster groups are welcome to form.

    Distance: 56.8 miles
    Elevation gain:  4,295'

    Lunch:  Bring or buy at the Crystal Springs Village (Safeway) on Polhemus Rd.


    Cue Sheet>

    Weather from Randoplan>

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Wed, November 23, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    For the day before Thanksgiving lets go have fun and burn some calories by riding over to Santa Cruz (from Lexington) where the weather promises to be clear, sunny and even somewhat warm

    Starting Location: Parking Lot .3 mi past the dam at Lexington Reservoir. There is a $6 fee to park there (Credit/Debit Card). There is also a free dirt area across the street from the parking lot that can handle about 8 cars.

    Directions: take the Bear Creek Rd exit off of Hwy 17, go across Hwy 17 and turn left like you were getting on 17. Take Alma Bridge Rd and go .6 mi to the parking lot just past the dam

    Start Time: be there by 8:45 for a 9 am departure.

    Distance: 53 miles

    Elevation: 4900 feet

    Lunch: Bring lunch to eat at Siltanen Park in Scotts Valley located approximately 1/2 mile from the start of Glenwood Dr. (Lunch turnoff shown on cue sheet and GPS)


    Cue Sheethttps://ridewithgps.com/routes/35435028/cue_sheet


    Ride Leader: Don Johann

  • Wed, November 16, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Starting location and time: Meet at Shoup Park in Los Altos; 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM departure.

    Rain has kept us on this side of the hill for awhile so let's take advantage of the coolish, but clear weather, to go do my version of a classic HRU ride - OLH, West Alpine, and Skyline to Highway 9.  

    Elevation Gain - 5200'

    Distance - 50 miles

    Ride Leader - Steve Rempel


    Cue Sheet


    Lunch - 28.5 Miles in at the Duck Pond at the top of West Alpine (Daniel C. Daniels Nature Center).

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