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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

HRU FOR July 26th, 2023. Carolands and the Flintstone House.

Wed, July 26, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

For HRU this week, let's go do one of my favorites, the Flintstone House and the Carolands Mansion.  There are a few crazy steep, but also quite short hills in this route, however, all the crazy stuff can be easily bypassed, should one be so inclined.

This is a social-paced C+/D ride (we are after all the Wednesday Social Climbers) with regroups, although faster riders are encouraged to form a D+/E group.

Note that we are moving back to a unified start.  Both the D/E HRU Speedsters and the C+/D Social Climbers will be leaving at 9AM, although the faster group is encouraged to ride off the front, should they be so inclined.   

Start: Shoup Park.  Meet at 8:45, rolling at 9 AM

60 miles and 5100' of elevation gain.

Lunch: Around mile 35, we'll hit the Safeway at the Crystal Springs shopping center on Polhemus.   There is also a Starbucks and a Bakery.  The next water and bathrooms will be about 5 miles away at Crestview Park.

Ride Leader: Steve Rempel



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