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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club


HillsRUs rolls weekly on Wednesdays

Route often includes Hwy 9, Page Mill, Old La Honda, Kings Mountain, West Alpine or Tunitas Creek. Always be prepared for variable weather on Skyline. Foul weather in the hills keeps the ride in the valley.

Start location and route announced Monday prior, via wwbc-rides email list and this page (scroll down to the blog).

Meet at 8:45 AM and roll at 9:00 AM departure. DE riders will depart first, C+ will follow.

Ride Leaders rotate weekly - Don Johann, Shawnery Hardin, Jack Jones and Steve Rempel, with guest appearances by Michael Khaw, Gary Virshup, Cathy Switzer, and others.

A selection of routes can be found in the WW Ride with GPS Route Catalog > use tag "HRU".

Last update: 20-Jul-2023 CBS

  • Wed, January 26, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Forecast is for clear skies, temperatures in the high 50s-60s, it’s off the Coast we go! 

    Climb Page Mill, descend W. Alpine to 84, on to the Bike Hut for lunch and climb Tunitas Creek. Download the route to your GPS, or print a cue sheet, printed route sheets are not provided.

    This is a social-paced D ride with regroups; faster riders are welcome to form a D+/E group. Rain cancels.

    Start: Shoup Park, rolling at 9 AM
    Lunch: At mile 30, bring to enjoy at The Bike Hut
    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >

  • Wed, January 19, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The hills are green already, the weather is good and the San Benito House Deli is back so lets go to Half Moon Bay this time. Since the days are still short we will leave from Woodside to make the trip shorter.

    Starting Location: Pioneer Saloon in Woodside at 9:00 AM

    Distance: 48 miles 

    Climb: 5500 feet

    Lunch:  San Benito House Deli in Half Moon Bay


    Cue Sheet:>


    Ride Leader: Don Johann

  • Wed, January 12, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Let's do a variation on a classic - the Flintstone house from Shoup Park, but with a few different twists as turns, as well as a visit to another classic house - the Carolands Mansion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolands, part of an estate that used to tower over Hillsborough.  

    Distance: 54 miles
    Elevation: 3,800 feet
    Lunch: Bring Munchies, no lunch stop planned.

    Rain and/or very wet roads will cancel this ride.

    Ride Leader: Steve Rempel

    Route >

    Cue Sheet >

    Weather Forecast >

  • Wed, January 05, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    A chance of rain forecast will keep us local, so let's try last week's cancelled route.  Meet as Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 start.

    Distance - 29 Miles, Elevation 3,250'.  No lunch stop planned, rolling feast of munchies.  Very wet roads or rain cancels.  Ride Leader - Jack Jones


    Cue Sheet>


  • Wed, December 29, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Canceled.  Roads are wet with scattered showers on the radar.

    The current forecast is for an 80% chance of rain, so check Wednesday morning for a likely cancellation.  But if we get lucky, we'll do a shorter local hills ride, so we can bail if needed, and because your leader has been off the bike for over 5 weeks.  With all this rain, I suspect some of you haven't ridden much lately as well, so maybe we can ease back in together.  

    Distance: 29 miles
    Elevation: 3,250 feet
    Lunch: Bring Munchies, no lunch stop planned.

    Rain and/or very wet roads will cancel this ride.

    Ride Leader: Steve Rempel

    Route >

    Cue Sheet >

    Weather Forecast >

  • Wed, December 22, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Canceled due to Rain

  • Wed, December 15, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Conflicting weather forecasts will keep us close to home. This Five Loop Ride leaves from Shoup Park and heads south - Valley View, Mora, Camino Hermosa, Altamont, Altamont Circle, Foothill Park, Alexis (John Chambers' house), Golden Oak, Westridge/Cervantes, Sand Hill.

    Distance: 42 miles
    Elevation: 4,200 feet
    Lunch: Bring Munchies, no lunch stop planned.

    Rain and/or very wet roads will cancel this ride.

    Route >

    Cue Sheet >

    Weather Forecast >

  • Wed, December 08, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Let's get that West Alpine climb in. We'll climb Kings Mountain Road, then take Skyline to Hwy 84 West, Pescadero Rd to West Alpine. Not many water stops, cool weather will help.

    Meet at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM start.

    Lunch: Bring or buy at La Honda Market


    Cue Sheet>


    51 miles, 5,738' elevation gain

    Ride leader - Jack Jones

  • Wed, December 01, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Forecast is sunny and "warm" so we're heading to the Coast - climb Old La Honda, descend West Old La Honda to 84, detour to the Duck Pond for a snack, then to the Bike Hut for lunch and climb Tunitas Creek. Download the route to your GPS, or print a cue sheet, printed route sheets are not provided.

    This is a social-paced D ride with regroups; faster riders are welcome to form a D+/E group. Rain cancels.

    Start: Shoup Park, rolling at 9 AM
    Lunch: Bring, enjoy it at the Bike Hut

    Route >
    Cue Sheet >
    Weather >  

    Ride Leader: Cathy Switzer

  • Wed, November 24, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Here's a pre-Thanksgiving route that will burn some calories in advance but won't leave us totally exhausted.

    Starting Location: Shoup Park 9:am

    Distance: 51 miles

    Climb 4400 feet

    Lunch:  Bring or Buy at Safeway on Polhemus Rd.


    Cue Sheet>


    Ride Leader: Don Johann

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