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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Cancelled - HRU for September 20th, 2023 - Redwood Gulch, H9, Skyline, 84, WOLH, Portola

Wed, September 20, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

The AQI forecast was looking promising earlier today, but no longer. Tuesday afternoon it rather quickly went from acceptable (<100) to not acceptable (>150), so I'm cancelling Wednesday's HRU. Even the coast is awful this time. My plan/hope is that we can ride Thursday - same time, same place, same route, but I'm seeing conflicting forecasts right now. I'll post another update later tomorrow once the forecasts get updated.

-- Steve

Let's do some old friends, but in a different directions than we have in recent times.

This time we'll do Redwood Gulch to 9 to Skyline to Alpine, followed by 84, West Old La Honda, and for something really new, we'll come down 84 and take the loop back to Shoup.  I really wanted to take 9 all the way to Skyline in lieu of Redwood, but there are currently a number of one way controls to Redwood Gulch from Tollgate while they clear old slides.

Meet at Shoup at 8:45 for a 9:00 AM departure.  We'll have two groups, with the D/E speedsters launching first, followed by the Social Climbers.

Lunch:  Buy food/drink at the La Honda Market, to take up to the duck pond for shade and nature's own web foot entertainment.


Weather from Randoplan

Ride leader - Steve Rempel  (yeah - again, but this time it's really my ride)


  • Tue, September 19, 2023 9:46 AM | Anonymous member
    I want to bring a friend of mine. is there a waiver he needs to sign?
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  • Tue, September 19, 2023 8:15 PM | Anonymous member
    What's up with the smoke? Are we on for tomorrow?
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