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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

Mike's Mad Monster Mash 44mi/4600' climbing

Wed, January 28, 2015 10:00 AM | Deleted user

While Mike is home healing, let's honor him with his ride.   This ride is a cobbling together of a series of steep leg and lung busters: Crestview the steep way, Melendy, Hastings Drive (from Ralston/Alameda to Club/Crestview), Springdale (Cordilleras to Lakeview), Sylvan to the Redwood City Cross, then a detour to climb Woodside Drive from Fernside on the way back to Alameda.


Start Shoup Park
L onto University Ave 0.11
R onto Main St 0.19
L onto Foothill Expy 0.23
R onto Santa Cruz Ave 5.68
L onto Sand Hill Rd 5.79
R onto Whiskey Hill Rd 8.71
L onto Woodside Rd 10.09
R onto Cañada Road 10.32
R onto Edgewood Rd 13.77
L onto Crestview Dr 15.05
R onto Brittan Ave 15.7
L onto Alameda 16.96
L onto Melendy Dr 17.16
R onto Crestview Dr 18.61
Continue onto Hallmark Dr 19.84
R onto Ralston Ave 21.28
R onto Alameda De Las Pulgas 22.69
R onto Carlmont Dr 22.84
L onto Hastings Dr 22.99
R onto Club Dr 24.03
L onto Crestview Dr 24.41
L onto Edgewood Rd 26.37
R onto Cordilleras Rd 26.75
R onto Springdale Way 27.02
L onto Lakeview Way 27.47
R onto Sylvan Way 27.53
Continue onto Glenloch Way 28.37
R onto Hillcrest Way 28.7
R onto Eastview Way 29.09
Continue onto W California Way 29.5
L onto California Way 29.64
L to stay on California Way 29.87
R to stay on California Way 30.16
L onto Jefferson Ave 30.61
R to stay on Jefferson Ave 31.23
R onto Emerald Hill Rd 31.45
L onto Farm Hill Blvd 31.9
R onto Mcgarvey Ave 32.45
R onto Fernside St 32.56
R onto Woodside Dr 33.38
L onto Woodside Rd 35.25
R onto Northgate Dr 35.32
Continue onto Eleanor Dr 35.63
L onto Stockbridge Ave 35.7
R onto Alameda 36.21
Continue Santa Cruz Ave 38.11
L onto G5/Junipero Serra Blvd 38.51
R onto Main St 43.95
L onto University Ave 43.98
R End of route 44.15

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