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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

HillsRUs Route for Wed Aug. 27

Mon, August 25, 2014 8:39 PM | Anonymous member

Lets go south this week.  Hicks via Mt Eden, Pierce, Peach Hill, Kennedy and Shannon. Bring or buy lunch in Los Gatos. 60 miles, 5100 ft. Rain cancels.

If you need a route sheet please print one. My printer is not working.

GPS Route on Ride With GPS

Steve C

R University    0.1
L S El Monte    0.7
R Foothill  0.9
Cont. Mt Eden Rd  9
R Pierce Rd     11.3
L Big Basin Way 12.3
R 6th St    13.7
L Oak St    13.8
R Lomita Ave    13.9
L Vickery Ave   14.1
R Saratoga Los Gatos Rd     14.5
R Montalvo Rd   14.6
L Piedmont Rd   13.2
R Peach Hill    13.7
L Glen Una Dr   14.6
R Saratoga Los Gatos Rd     15.4
R Ridgecrest    16.8
L Beck Ave  17.4
R Hernandez     17.5
R Glen Ridge    18.1
L Pennsylvania  18.2
R Bayview Ave   18.3
L Main St   18.3
Cont onto Los Gatos Blvd    19
R Kennedy Rd    19.6
R Shannon Rd    22.9
R Hicks Rd  23.6
U-Turn      31
L Shannon Rd    36.3
L Englewood     39.5
R Kennedy Rd    39.9
Cont Caldwell   40.1
L Bella Vista   40.3
Cont New York   40.7
L Pleasant St   36.7
R E Main St     36.8
R N Santa Cruz  37.4
L Saratoga Los Gatos Rd     37.9
Cont S Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd    41.4
L Prospect Rd   43.8
Cont S Stelling 44.3
L Rainbow Dr    44.8
R Bubb Rd   45.3
L Hyannisport   46
R Linda Vista   46.5
L McClellan Rd  46.7
L Palm Ave  47.2
R Foothill  47.4
Cont Foothill   48.4
L S El Monte    52.1
R University    52.3
Left At Shoup   53.6

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