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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

HRU for August 21st, 2024 - Redwood Ramble

Wed, August 21, 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

Let's go climb King's Mountain again, but this time we'll follow that up with my variation on what I think of as Paul's Redwood Ramble, doing a number of steep, but generally shady out and backs in the coastal redwoods.

Assemble at Shoup Park at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure, with D/E riders launching a bit before the Social Climbers. 

Last restroom and water until our late lunch is 15.5 miles into the ride, in Huddart Park.  Make sure to load up on water for the 4 climbs.  Bear Gulch has a short, but very steep climb in the sun to start.  Most of the rest of the climbing is relatively shady.

57 miles, 6100' of climbing(. 

Lunch - Bring a lunch to eat at Valerie's house at 2100 Bear Gulch road (very steep driveway), about 38 miles into the ride.   


Weather from Randoplan 

Ride leader - Steve Rempel

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