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Western Wheelers Bicycle Club

C-/1.8 (1,614’)/35.3 R2EE2R Capelo’s BBQ Redwood City

  • Thu, March 27, 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • Burgess Park, Menlo Park (facing Alma St. & RR tracks)

Meet Michael Khaw (see WW Member Directory for contact info) at Burgess Park (facing Alma St. & RR tracks), Menlo Park, at 10 am for 10:15 departure. We’ll take a less-familiar route to Sharon Park to Sand Hill. After Cañada and the Ralston Bike Path, we’ll work our way back towards the Bay via Laurelwood Park and the SF Bay Trail to lunch at Capelo’s BBQ at mile 29.6. We’ll finish by winding through Atherton back to Burgess Park for the remaining flattish 5.7 miles. Rain, heavy winds or AQI over 85 cancels.

Please print a cue sheet or download the route to your navigation device. The ride leader will not have printed cue sheets on hand. 

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