Like dogs, bicycles are social catalysts
that attract a superior category of people.
~ Chip Brown, writer
We are transitioning into the spring season that is optimal for long rides. Our club’s great LTD rides are taking us further afield to ride scenic routes in remote areas. Don’t let bike mechanical problems leave you stranded or unable to enjoy a great day of riding. Study your bike to determine if it is in good condition and ready to ride. If you have been putting off that tune-up or trying to stretch that worn tire just a few more miles, now is a good time to get these maintenance items done. How many miles are on those tires? When was the last time you had your shifting cables changed or checked your chain for stretch? Are your brake pads worn down? Have you cleaned off the grit on your bike acquired while riding on wet roads?
Most rides will not stop while you fix a flat nor is the ride leader expected to change your tire for you. Many of our organized rides are in remote areas without cellular reception where a mechanical issue may be quite problematic, so be prepared and get your bike in top shape!