Come join us to cycle some quiet country roads with quintessential California scenery on this route. All routes will have lunch at Erik’s Deli (bring or buy) in Morgan Hill. C/D/E routes will include a climb up scenic Gilroy Hot Springs Rd. E’s add Thomas Grade early and the Bailey Avenue Loop after lunch. BE SURE TO BRING SNACKS AND WATER as lunch is late in the ride. Rain cancels. Online route sheets/maps/gps.
INFO: Guy Shuman (shumansteiner@gmail.com or 650-704-0895).
MEETING TIME: 9:45 am for 10:00 departure
MEETING LOCATION: Morgan Hill Caltrain/Park and Ride (17295 Butterfield Blvd., Morgan Hill, CA): take 101 to Morgan Hill, exit at E. Dunne Ave. Turn right on E. Dunne Ave, then right on Butterfield Blvd. Entrance on left.
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